

Preconceptions, Mindsets and Stereotype Threat

Graduate Pedagogy Institute: Every Classroom is DIfferent and Why this Matters for Teaching [October 2017].

Hosted by the Center for Teaching Excellence.

Rice University, Houston, TX.


Using Prelecture Videos for the Teaching of Quantum Physics

AAPT (American Association of Physics Teachers) Summer Meeting [July 2017].

Cincinnati, OH.


Unified Spin Model for Magnetic Excitations in Iron Chalcogenides

APS (American Physical Society) March 2017 Meeting [March 2017].

New Orleans, LA.


Ising-Nematic Order and Spin-Wave Excitations in the Bilinear-Biquadratic Model for the Iron Pnictides

APS (American Physical Society) March 2017 Meeting [March 2017].

San Antonio, TX.



Unified Spin Model for Magnetic Excitations in Iron Chalcogenides

2nd Annual SCI (Smalley-Curl Institute) Summer Research Colloquium [March 2017].

Rice University, Houston, TX.


Large-N Schwinger Boson Approach to the Multiple Impurity Kondo Problem

Workshop on Strongly Correlated Electron Materials [November 2015].

Hosted by the RQCM (Rice Center for Quantum Materials).

Rice University, Houston, TX.


Ising-Nematic Order and Spin-Wave Excitations in the Bilinear-Biquadratic Model for the Iron Pnictides

Quantum Materials Perspectives and Opportunities: [December 2014]

The Rice Center for Quantum Materials Launch.

Rice University, Houston, TX.