Teaching Quantum Physics through a Screen


The Format:

Introduced by the University of Illinois, the FlipIt Physics platform (formerly known as SmartPhysics) provides students with video "Prelectures" aimed at helping them understand physical concepts that will be useful later on, in class.

The site also includes the option to add "Checkpoints", i.e. small quizzes that let students change their understanding and, at the same time, inform the instructors of the main difficulties, so that they can use students' responses as a means of formative feedback for future lectures.

Since its introduction, this format has successfully been used in various courses and across different levels.


My Contributions:

In spring 2017, I started developing my own take on this formula, creating a set of short videos that, by focusing on conceptual, intuitive explanations or by spelling out simple cases as examples, facilitated the introduction of more complex ideas in class for a second semester of an Introduction to Quantum Physics courses.

Below, you can find some examples of my work.

Work in progress...

At the moment, I'm working on modifying the graphics and sound for a more sophisticated appearance for the videos, as well as developing written guided derivation exercises to substitute or complement the more mathematically-heavy prelectures.